We are excited to announce our newest location Now Open in Oklahoma City. Contact us today to schedule an appointment and Thank You for choosing us to help you hear again!
Oklahoma City
Mon – Thur
8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Mon – Wed
8:00 AM – 5:00 PM

When it is no longer safe for older adults to live in their own home, there are important decisions to make. Fortunately, there are wonderful people to help make this transition easier. Ears of Oklahoma would like to offer a great resource for this situation. Please reach out to the team at Caring.com with any questions about this trying time or for further resources.

Our Clinic
Since 2003, Ears of Oklahoma has served the community and its hearing needs. Our goal is to accurately identify and assess the type, degree and configuration of your hearing problem; then find the best solution to help you reach your fullest hearing potential.

Our services cover a wide range of hearing issues. We offer diagnostic testing, hearing aids, and hearing rehabilitation. In addition, Ears of Oklahoma offers a free complimentary CaptionCall phone with free captioning service. (Terms Apply)

Hearing Aids
Find the right hearing aid for your ears, and gain your life back. We offer Widex Hearing Aids as well as a variety of levels of hearing aids including features like Bluetooth technology and Battery Free chraging capabilites. Make an appointment today!

Now Serving Patients from Oklahoma City to Ardmore
Dr. Jeni Merrick Baker
I'm sorry what did you say?
We'll Come to YOU!
Did you know we offer Concierge Hearing Services which means we will come to your home or office.

Frequently asked questions.
How do I know if I have hearing loss?
- Do you frequently ask people to repeat themselves? Continually turn up the TV? Have difficulty hearing at noisy places and events, like a restaurant or party? Do you choose to withdraw from gatherings because the noise is exhausting? These and other signs can potentially point to hearing problems. It’s best to schedule an appointment with an audiologist to determine the nature and extent of those problems.
What is visual speech mapping?
Visual speech mapping is a cutting-edge technology that allows the audiologist and patient to see in real-time the fine tuning of a hearing aid as it’s adjusted to a patient’s individual needs.
What is Tinnitus?
Tinnitus is an awareness of sound in the head/ears that does not originate from an outside source. Tinnitus often accompanies hearing loss, but is not always recognizable to the patient. Exposure to loud noises, head or ear injuries, and medication side effects are all factors that can lead to the development of tinnitus.
How do I know if I need hearing aids?
A visit to our clinic is the best place to start to determine what is inhibiting your hearing. Some issues like ear wax buildup or a perforated ear drum can be corrected and provide improved hearing without hearing aids. For more serious issues, hearing aids may be required.
Will insurance cover my hearing aids?
It depends on your provider and plan. Some providers offer a health plan that pays a specific amount toward the total cost of your purchase, or toward an amount allotted per ear. It’s best to check with your provider to find out what benefits are available for you.
Why do hearing aids cost so much?
While tiny in size, hearing aids contain complex technology that work with your ear and brain. The prices will vary based on features. Your Audiologist will determine which features best fit your level of hearing loss.
We're Here Whenever You Need Us
OKC | (405) 673-1327
Ardmore | (580) 224-0377
Office Hours
Mon - Thu | 8am - 5pm
Mon - Wed | 8am - 5pm